Aftermath Learning Lab Successfully Held LEAPS Conference 2024


On April 25, 2024, the Aftermath Learning Lab hosted the virtual LEAPS 2024 Textile Waste Conference, in collaboration with the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society at Boston College and community partners Make Fashion Clean in the US and the MFI Foundation in Ghana. The objective of this conference was to leverage environmental, art, and policy stakeholders to devise political and structural solutions to post-consumer textile waste and other environmental health challenges. 

Project Manager, Cecelia Cheng and Dr. Julia DeVoy, Principal Investigator, led the conference through opening remarks, followed by the CEO of Vitaliti, Zarah Lakhani. Then, 12 speakers from a wide range of backgrounds presented research, impact case studies, or innovative sandbox pitches, which gave the audience an opportunity to engage in active discussions. The conference concluded with closing remarks from Cecelia Cheng and lab advisor, Dielle Lundburg. 

The program for the event can be found here. Recordings from the LEAPS 2024 Textile Waste Conference can be found on our website or on our recording playlist on YouTube. For any additional resources, check out our Resource List